OPINION: NY is poised to phase out Regents exam requirements. For English learners, especially, it’s past time.

For marginalized students, especially recent immigrants doing the double duty of learning content and a new language, a standardized approach can be exclusive and an inaccurate assessment.

By Sunisa Nuonsy, CUNY-IIE Project Researcher

Published by Chalkbeat on June 14, 2024


OPINION: Immigrant students need trained advisers to navigate the problematic college admissions process

College advisers like me are overwhelmed and can’t help our undocumented students get the opportunities they need.

By Juan Carlos Perez, CUNY-IIE Project Researcher

Published by The Hechinger Report on April 29, 2024



COMMENTARY: Quality bilingual education programs are essential for teachers, students

The dearth of qualified bilingual teachers to work with newly arrived students is just as problematic for our already overburdened, under-resourced schools.

By Tamara Alsace and Cecilia Espinosa, CUNY-IIE Associate Investigators

Published by Times Union on February 23, 2024



OPINION: We are facing a migrant mental health crisis. More school social workers could help.

It feels like we are failing our immigrant students from the minute they walk in the school doors.

By Ashley Busone Rodríguez, CUNY-IIE Project Researcher and CTLE Instructor

Published by Chalkbeat on February 5, 2024



OPINION: To solve teacher shortages, let’s open pathways for immigrants so they can become educators and role models

We urgently need new bilingual teachers. Here are some ways to make it happen.

By Daniela Alulema, CUNY-IIE Project Director

Published by The Hechinger Report on November 14, 2023